Recruitment Packages

For Salary Range Between N15, 000 – N50, 000 (20% surcharge outside office)

For Salary Range between N51, 000 and above (20% surcharge outside office)


 Retainer system explains putting measures in place for efficient and effective productivity from the employee. It is contract based with a minimum of 5 Employees.

The Retainer system encompasses;

  • Punctuality
  • Monthly Training
  • Smartness and Dressing (GROOMING)
  • Performance Appraisals
  • Weekly onsite visitation
  •  Sanctioning
  • Weekly review
  • Monthly report


REQUIRED PAYMENT PERIOD: The COMPANY shall be required to pay 50% of the total sum of the SERVICE PROVIDER’S professional fee before commencement of the recruitment process and the balance of 50% payable within five (5) working days of receipt of the SERVICE PROVIDER’S invoice, which shall be sent upon candidate’s assumption of duties while the monthly commission on each recruited candidate shall be paid not later than 20th (subject to amendment) day of every month.