Countless ideas are formulated around getting a job in this season and time. The different perception that is not sometimes true. Being a fresh graduate, there are a lot of hope tied to getting an outstanding job. There is however a chance that you get your dream job if you meet the required standard or experience.


As a fresh graduate, searching for a job might be like a puzzle for you, but if you follow the tips below it could give you a boost in your job search journey.

  1. Plan ahead: Create a list of the kind of job you are looking at and the companies you want to apply to. This will give a clear idea of the works you are aiming at.
  1. Don’t use a generic CV formats: Try recreating a personalized resume format to stand out from other applicants. Ensure to mention your strengths, skills, and experience, if any, to add more weight to the application. In case you need to re-write your CV or write from scratch, visit or @ibadanjobconnect on Instagram.
  1. Apply directly online: Big organizations employ a lot of part-time and casual staff for a range of roles. You can find out about the vacant positions on their official website under the ‘Careers’, ‘jobs’ or ‘employment’ section. Some companies also list these opportunities under their ‘about us’ or ‘news’ tab but verify every company properly before you go for an interview.
  1. Upskill/personal development: The first question to ask yourself is ‘What am I good at? As a fresh graduate, you must have acquired some relevant skill sets during an internship that will count as a level of experience in the field. It is crucial to have soft skills that will make you a reputable asset. You can acquire your soft skill using Jobber man, Coursera, Udemy, and the likes.


Getting a job is simple; Be confident in yourself, have hard skills, gather a lot of experience and your resume is to paint a perfect picture to bring you to the forefront and make hire managers invite you for an interview.