The fastest growing recruitment agency in the city of Ibadan

What we do

Connect people with the right jobs

We help job seekers connect with the right jobs. We screen for the best talent and match them with the right job.

Career advice & candidate resources

Ibadan Job Connect is equipped with the necessary tools to help candidate in their career path. We have seasoned HR managers on ground to advise on any question.

Clients Satisfaction

One of our major priority is to satisfy our clients.

We have different job industries

We’ve worked with some great companies already. We think you
should join them in your quest for top talent.

Here's what some clients
think of our work...

I was about giving up on my job search when I came across Ibadan Job Connect, with experienced HR professionals that helped in securing my dream job. 

Mr. John Oladele


I employed the services of Ibadan Job Connect to help my company find the suitable candidate for our job vacancy and they delivered optimally. 

Mrs. jumoke Kossi

Pathfinders Group 
